Thursday, April 26, 2012

Lacrosse by EA sports?

Ok, people are trying to "pass off" what they call a lacrosse game on xbox i have to say this game is complete crap the gaming engine is simple and rather useless. Now from the past we all know EA Sports puts out some of the best sports games made and one thing they haven't seemed to tackle is lacrosse. I'm sure with the amazing crew of guys at EA and some helpful willing Laxers they could put out the lacrosse game of the century that would bury these online only pieces of crap. Please make a lacrosse game, college or pro it doesn't matter!!!!!!!!
P.S. Loved NHL 11 turned out great, if the lacrosse game you could put out is as good as NHL 11 i would play that game for the rest of my life and i'm sure millions would buy it!!!!!!!!!|||I totaly agree with you I have never boughten a sports game that wasn't EA. Now to add to you think about a Lacrosse video game that is not only a contoler game, but being able to be played on the xbox360 kinect! Scan your lax stick, get drafted by a team, and play the most natural lacrosse game ever! It could possibly be first person or 3rd person. could have4 a superstar mode like in madden! Now we are talking! There are so many young people in lacrosse that play video games, and lacrosse next to MMA is the fastest growing sport in the world and there is big money to be made! Please go through with this! I just gave you one of the best game ideas of all time and EA could be not only the first platform lacrosse game maker but could contribute to the growing sport! Please consider!

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